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Distinguished Professor of Department of Automation
email: wanghesheng@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest: visual servoing, service robot, robot control and computer vision
Tenure-Track Associate Professor of Artificial Intelligence Institute
email: liuzhesjtu@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest: large-scale robotic systems, resilient navigation and robot control
Tenure-Track Assistant Professor of Department of Automation
email: xufanlyra@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest: soft robot and visual servoing
Tenure-Track Assistant Professor at UM-SJTU Joint Institute
email: zhongqiang.ren@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest: motion planning, multi-agent path finding and autonomous robots
Tenure-Track Assistant Professor at UM-SJTU Joint Institute
email: yban@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest: robot perception, surgical robot
Assistant Professor of Department of Automation
email: yintangwen@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest: virtual physics artificial intelligence, algebraic geometry, harmonic measure, avionics and sonar electronics
email: zhuganmin@sina.com
Research interest: Robotic mechanics, Modeling and control of soft-parallel robots
email: liuya@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest:
email: lijun_han@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest: Visual servoing, deformable object manipulation
email: jinkefan@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest: unmmaned system perception and navigation
email: zhengyindong@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest: vision-based action understanding
email: zw_robot@163.com
Research interest: Multi-sensor fused SLAM
email: hexiaomk@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest: Fault-tolerant decision-making and planning
PhD Student
email: adeelarif.jt@outlook.com
Research interest:
PhD Student
email: chengchichao2020@163.com
Research interest:
PhD Student
email: mengxin_xu@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest: Aerial robots and manipulation
PhD Student
email: weixiaojun@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest:
PhD Student
email: yifanzhou@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest: Reinforcement learning based mobile manipulator control
PhD Student
email: yangjian012@outlook.com
Research interest: Modeling and control of soft robots
PhD Student
email: zhou_e_yixuan@163.com
Research interest: Visual servoing based on planning
PhD Student
email: yjy131@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest:
PhD Student
email: qimingliu@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest: Intelligent navigation of mobile robot
PhD Student
email: 15768877300@163.com
Research interest: Semantic SLAM
PhD Student
email: 781201367@qq.com
Research interest: Semantic segmentation based on 2D-3D fusion
PhD Student
email: ncsjtu@gmail.com
Research interest: Reinforcement learning and visual robust estimation
PhD Student
email: krispin.wandel@alumni.ethz.ch
Research interest:
PhD Student
email: zhengyu0730@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest: Mobile manipulation
PhD Student
email: 2142431167wwh@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest: SLAM based on neural implicit representation
PhD Student
email: andyunknown@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest: Safe Reinforcement Learning
PhD Student
email: lym5634@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest: Deformable object manipulation
PhD Student
email: maxiaojingzzu@163.com
Research interest: Reinforcement learning、National defense project
PhD Student
email: shijinxuan@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest: National Defense Project, Reinforcement learning
PhD Student
email: wslgqq277a@gmail.com
Research interest: Computer Vision、Reinforcement learning
PhD Student
email: zijin.yu@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest:
PhD Student
email: x_whyy@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest: Two-dimentional image based object detection
PhD Student
email: 916806487@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest: Multi-sensor Fusion Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
PhD Student
email: hhq-2018@foxmail.com
Research interest: microrobots
PhD Student
email: cxr0726@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest: Humanoid robot、Reinforcement learning
PhD Student
email: calmcb666@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest: Multi-Robot System, multi-robot path planning, task planning
PhD Student
email: 2095169601@qq.com
Research interest: Computer Vision、Deep Learning for Robot Manipulation
PhD Student
email: junyi.ma@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest: Autonomous driving and mobile robotics
PhD Student
email: linxif2008@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest: SLAM, Robot Manipulation
PhD Student
email: lixuanyu@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest: Safe Reinforcement Learning, formation control
PhD Student
email: kang.yunfeng@outlook.com
Research interest:
Master Student
email: itanabulatovic.ib@gmail.com
Research interest:
Master Student
email: <>
Research interest:
Master Student
email: houmuyang@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest: Mobile robot motion planning
Master Student
email: liujiuming@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest: Point cloud registration, point cloud rendering,diffusion model
Master Student
email: fzhazr@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest: LiDAR odometry based on 3D point trajectories
Master Student
email: chen_syc@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest: Relocalization based on NeRF
Master Student
email: zhanghuixin@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest: LiDAR SLAM
Master Student
email: 2000szh@sina.com
Research interest: Intelligent security and depth completion
Master Student
email: f88079104@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest: Robust self-driving navigation
Master Student
email: igormihajlovic133@gmail.com
Research interest:
Master Student
email: SJTU525217@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest: HDMap construction in autonomous driving
Master Student
email: hit_zxh_ht@163.com
Research interest: Visual servo dynamic grasping
Master Student
email: lanny_yeh@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest: HDMap construction in autonomous driving
Master Student
email: wenyue023@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest: Visual SLAM
Master Student
email: jiangpengyu@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest: biped robot
Master Student
email: onlyzy9@163.com
Research interest: National Defense Projects B.Eng. Xi’an Jiaotong University
Master Student
email: pinocchio@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest:
Master Student
email: hanxingyao@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest: Multi-Robot System, multi-robot path planning, task planning
Master Student
email: 164497245@qq.com
Research interest:
Master Student
email: szy_sjtu@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest: Robot mapping and map optimization
Master Student
email: fangzitai@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest: Human-robot coordination visual servoing
Master Student
email: kayitarepatrick@gmail.com
Research interest:
Master Student
email: daixianchen8@gmail.com
Research interest: Humanoid robot
Master Student
email: jens_sjtu@163.com
Research interest: Multi-Robot System, multi-robot path planning, task planning
Master Student
email: swt0709@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest:
Master Student
email: 1743368969@qq.com
Research interest: Trajectory planning
Master Student
email: fang20021005@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest: Motion planning
Master Student
email: tyheeeer@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest: Multi-Robot System, multi-robot path planning, task planning
Master Student
email: 1604190307@qq.com
Research interest: Mobile manipulator
Master Student
email: 237229799@qq.com
Research interest:
Master Student
email: 1418561186@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest:
Master Student
email: jinyu.zhang@sjtu.edu.cn
Research interest: Human-robot shared control